SDR Field Description

This section describes the SDR fields that can be generated by the device. The device generates some of the SDR fields by default. However, you can customize the SDR and choose the fields that you want included, using the SBC SDR Format table (see Customizing SDR Fields).

In the Field column of the table below, bolded text is the SDR field as listed in the SBC SDR Format table, while the number in square brackets [...] is the field's enum when using the ini file to configure the SBC SDR Format table.

SDR Field Description



Record Type[900]

Displays the SDR record type:

"START": This SDR is generated and sent upon call connect.
"INTERMEDIATE": This SDR is generated during the call (i.e., Intermediate SDR).
"STOP": This SDR indicates that the call was established successfully. The SDR is generated when the call ends.
"ATTEMPT": This SDR indicates a call (or session) failure (i.e., was not successfully established). The SDR is generated when the call attempt ends.


Currently, START SDRs are generated only for REST.
To define which SDR types to generate:
For REST, see Configuring SDR Reporting to REST Server
For syslog, see Configuring SDR Reporting to Syslog Server
By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "RecordType".
The field is a string of up to 12 characters.

Product Name


Displays the device's product name.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "ProductName".
The field is a string of up to 29 characters.

Shelf Info


Displays the active ("0") or redundant ("1") device in an HA system and the number of times that the device has restarted since it was powered on.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "ShelfInfo".

Sequence Number


Displays the SDR's sequence number, which is incremented per SDR record. It starts from 1 and increments by one for each STOP and ATTEMPT SDR. The sequence number is one for both SDR types.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "SequenceNumber".

Session ID


Displays the Session ID (retrieved from the SIP message) of the call.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "SessionID".
The field is a string of up to 24 characters.

Setup Time


Displays the date and time when the SIP INVITE message was received on the incoming leg. The date and time is displayed in the format <hh:mm:ss:ms><TimeZone><DDD><MMM><YYYY> (e.g., 17:00:49.052 UTC Thu Dec 14 2020).


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is applicable only to the ingress leg of the call.
The default field title is "SetupTime".
The field is a string of up to 35 characters.

Connect Time


Displays the date and time when the SIP 200 OK response was sent from the incoming leg. The date and time is displayed in the format <hh:mm:ss:ms><TimeZone><DDD><MMM><YYYY> (e.g., 17:00:49.052 UTC Thu Dec 14 2020).


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable only to START, INTERMEDIATE, and STOP SDRs.
The field is applicable only to the ingress leg of the call.
The default field title is "ConnectTime".
The field is a string of up to 35 characters.

Time To Connect


Displays the time difference (in centiseconds) between connect and setup time of the incoming leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable only to START, INTERMEDIATE, and STOP SDRs.
The default field title is "TimeToConnect".
The field is applicable only to the ingress leg of the call.

Release Time


Displays the date and time when the call was released on the incoming leg. The date and time is displayed in the format <hh:mm:ss:ms><TimeZone><DDD><MMM><YYYY> (e.g., 17:00:49.052 UTC Thu Dec 14 2020)


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.
The field is applicable only to the ingress leg of the call.
The default field title is "ReleaseTime".

Call Duration


Displays the time difference (in centiseconds) between release and connect time of the incoming leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.
The field is applicable only to the ingress leg of the call.
The default field title is "CallDuration".

Node Time Zone


Displays the time zone of the device (e.g., "GMT+11", "UTC", or "EST").


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "NodeTimeZone".
The field is a string of up to 6 characters.

Ingress Calling User Name


Displays the calling user part before manipulation of the incoming leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "IngressCallingUserName".
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Ingress Calling Host


Displays the calling host part before manipulation of the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and START SDRs.
The default field title is "IngressCallingHostName".
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Egress Calling User


Displays the calling user part after manipulation of the outgoing leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is applicable only to the egress leg of the call.
The default field title is "EgressCallingUserName".
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Egress Calling Host


Displays the calling host part after manipulation of the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "EgressCallingHostName".
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Ingress Dialed User


Displays the called user part before manipulation of the incoming leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "IngressDialedUserName".
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Ingress Dialed Host


Displays the called host part before manipulation of incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "IngressDialedHostName".
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Egress Called User


Displays the called user part after manipulation of the outgoing leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "EgressCalledUserName".
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Egress Called Host


Displays the called host part after manipulation of the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "EgressCalledHostName".
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Redirected By User


Displays the user part that sent the 3xx when the call is initiated as result of a SIP 3xx response.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and START SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Redirected By Host


Displays the host part that sent the 3xx when the call is initiated as result of a SIP 3xx response.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Referred By User


Displays the user part that initiated the refer when the call is initiated as result of a SIP REFER.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 60 characters.

Referred By Host


Displays the host part that initiated the refer when the call is initiated as result of a SIP REFER.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 100 characters.

Ingress Call Source IP


Displays the remote SIP IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the originator (incoming leg).


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "IngressCallSourceIP".
The field is a string of up to 39 characters.

Egress Call Destination IP


Displays the remote SIP IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) of the destination (outgoing leg).


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "EgressCallDestinationIP".
The field is a string of up to 39 characters.

Ingress Termination Reason


Displays the reason for the call termination sent by the device to the incoming leg. The field value is a string set to one of the following:

Standard Call Termination Reasons:
AudioCodes Proprietary:


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.

Ingress SIP Termination Reason


Displays the SIP reason for call termination sent to the calling party and can be one of the following:

SIP error codes (e.g., "404")


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 12 characters.

Egress Termination Reason


Displays the call disconnect reason sent by the device to the outgoing leg. For possible values, see Ingress Termination Reason [925].


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.
The default field title is "EgressTerminationReason".
The field is a string of up to 39 characters.

Egress SIP Termination Reason


Displays the SIP reason for call termination sent to the called party. For possible values, see Ingress SIP Termination Reason [926].


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.
The default field title is "EgressSIPTerminationReason".
The field is a string of up to 39 characters.

Ingress IP Group Name


Displays the IP Group of the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 40 characters.

Egress IP Group Name


Displays the IP Group of the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 40 characters.

Ingress SIP Interface Name


Displays the SIP Interface of the incoming leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "IngressSIPInterfaceName".
The field is a string of up to 40 characters.

Egress SIP Interface Name


Displays the SIP Interface of the outgoing leg.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "EgressSIPInterfaceName".
The field is a string of up to 40 characters.

Media List


Displays a list of media types that were used in the call (e.g., "audio", "text", or "video") of the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 40 characters.

Route Attempt Number


Displays the number of alternative routes that were used until the call was established.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "RouteAttemptNumber".

Call Direct Media


Displays if the call was a direct media call or traversed the device:



The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.



Displays if the device used forking to establish the call:



The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is applicable only to the egress leg of the call.

Ingress Source Tags


Displays the source tag of the incoming call (determined by a Call Setup Rule or Dial Plan). For more information on tags, see Configuring Classification Based on Tags.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "Ingress source tags".
The field is a string of up to 256 characters.

Ingress Destination Tags


Displays the destination tag of the incoming call (determined by a Call Setup Rule or Dial Plan). For more information on tags, see Configuring Classification Based on Tags or Configuring Dial Plans.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "Ingress destination tags".
The field is a string of up to 256 characters.

Egress Source Tags


Displays the source tag of the outgoing call (determined by a Call Setup Rule or Dial Plan). For more information on tags, see Configuring Classification Based on Tags or Configuring Dial Plans.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "Egress source tags".
The field is a string of up to 256 characters.

Egress Destination Tags


Displays the destination tag of the outgoing call (determined by a Call Setup Rule or Dial Plan). For more information on tags, see Configuring Classification Based on Tags or Configuring Dial Plans.


By default, the field is included in the SDR.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The default field title is "Egress destination tags".
The field is a string of up to 256 characters.

Intermediate Time


Displays the time that the intermediate SDR was generated.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to INTERMEDIATE SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 35 characters.

Is Success


Displays if the call succeeded ("yes") or failed ("no").


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress SIP Term Description


Displays the description of the SIP call termination reason for the incoming leg.

The field value is a string of up to 70 characters and is set to one of the following:

SIP Reason header, if exists, for example: SIP ;cause=200 ;text="Call completed elsewhere".
If no SIP Reason header exists, the description is taken from the reason text, if exists, of the SIP response code, for example: "417 Unknown Resource-Priority".
If no reason text exists in the SIP response code, the description is taken from an internal SIP response mapping mechanism. For example, if the device receives a SIP response "422", it sends in the SDR "422 Session Interval Too Small method" as the description.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.

Egress SIP Term Description


Displays the description of the SIP call termination reason for the outgoing leg.

The field value is a string of up to 70 characters and is set to one of the following:

SIP Reason header, if exists, for example: SIP ;cause=200 ;text="Call completed elsewhere".
If no SIP Reason header exists, the description is taken from the reason text, if exists, of the SIP response code, for example: "417 Unknown Resource-Priority".
If no reason text exists in the SIP response code, the description is taken from an internal SIP response mapping mechanism. For example, if the device receives a SIP response "422", it sends in the SDR "422 Session Interval Too Small method" as the description.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.

Is Recorded


Displays if the SBC leg was recorded ("yes") or not ("no") for SIPREC calls.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to START, INTERMEDIATE, and STOP SDRs.

Global Session ID


Displays the global session ID.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 16 characters.

Referred By Tags


Displays the tags of the call party that initiated (triggered) the call transfer (determined by a Call Setup Rule or Dial Plan).


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 256 characters

Ingress Call Orig


Displays the origin of the call for the ingress side:

"In" - originated from remote side
"Out" - originated from local side


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
For example:
if A calls B, then this field displays "In".
If A transfers the call to C, then in the SDR of the new call section, this field displays "Out".

Egress Call Orig


Displays the origin of the call for the egress side:

"In" - originated from remote side
"Out" - originated from local side


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
For example, if A calls B, then this field displays "Out".

Call Type


Displays the type of call (e.g., a call between a WebRTC side and a bot):



The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to STOP  SDRs.

Ingress Released From IP


Displays if the call was released (terminated) by the device (i.e., internal reason, for example, registered user not found) or by one of the call parties, on the incoming leg.

The value is a string:

"yes": Call was terminated by one of the call parties.
"no": Call was terminated by the device.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.

Egress Released From IP


Displays if the call was released (terminated) by the device (i.e., internal reason, for example, registered user not found) or by one of the call parties, on the outgoing leg.

The value is a string:

"yes": Call was terminated by one of the call parties.
"no": Call was terminated by the device.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.

Ingress Var Call User Defined 1


User-defined field based on any SIP header information retrieved from a Message Manipulation rules using call variables Var.Call.Dst.UserDefined1 on incoming leg or Var.Call.Src.UserDefined1 on outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 200 characters (for all five user-defined fields).

Ingress Var Call User Defined 2


Ingress Var Call User Defined 3


Ingress Var Call User Defined 4


Ingress Var Call User Defined 5


Egress Var Call User Defined 1


User-defined field based on any SIP header information retrieved from a Message Manipulation rule using call variables Var.Call.Src.UserDefined1 on incoming leg and Var.Call.Dst.UserDefined1 on outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable to all SDR record types.
The field is a string of up to 200 characters (for all five user-defined fields).

Egress Var Call User Defined 2


Egress Var Call User Defined 3


Egress Var Call User Defined 4


Egress Var Call User Defined 5


Is Route Attempt


Displays whether a failed call routing attempt occurred when alternative or forking routing rules exist for the call.

The value is a string:

"yes": Any failed attempt to route the call. This can be the main route (Route Row), an alternative routing rule or a forking routing rule, and there are additional alternative or forking rules that the call will try (i.e., failure with a routing rule that isn't the last routing rule and therefore, not the last SDR).
"no": For any of the following reasons:
Call routing is successful (i.e., STOP SDR and the last route).
Failed attempt at call routing which is also the last routing rule (main route, an alternative route, or a forking route), and there aren't any additional alternative or forking rules that the call can try (i.e., this is the last route and therefore, the last SDR).


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP and ATTEMPT SDRs.
The field's value is always "no" for the last SDR of the call (all previous SDRs will have "yes").

Ingress Coder Type


Displays the audio coder of the incoming leg.



The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 15 characters.

Egress Coder Type


Displays the audio coder of the outgoing leg. For possible values, see Ingress Coder Type [1000].


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.
The field is a string of up to 15 characters.

Ingress Audio Packets Received


Displays the number of received audio packets in the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Packet Loss


Displays the number of lost packets in the incoming leg


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Audio Packets Received


Displays the number of received audio packets in the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Packet Loss


Displays the number of lost packets in the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Packets Loss


Displays the number of lost packets in the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Input Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device on the incoming leg.

The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Output Packets


Displays the number of packets sent by the device on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Input Octets


Displays the local input octets (bytes) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Output Octets [1010]

Displays the local output octets (bytes) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time (in msec) of the entire RTP stream on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local Jitter


Displays the RTP jitter (in msec) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local SSRC Sender


Displays the local RTP synchronization source or SSRC (in hex) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote Output Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote Input Octets


Displays the remote input octets (bytes) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote Output Octets


Displays the remote output octets (bytes) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time (in msec) of the remote RTP stream on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote Jitter


Displays the remote RTP jitter (in msec) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote SSRC Sender


Displays the remote (sender) RTP synchronization source or SSRC (in hex) on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Packets Loss[1020]

Displays the number of lost packets on the incoming leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Input Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Output Packets


Displays the number of packets sent by the device on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Input Octets


Displays the local input octets (bytes) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Output Octets


Displays the local output octets (bytes) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time (in msec) of the entire RTP stream on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local Jitter


Displays the RTP jitter (in msec) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local SSRC Sender


Displays the local RTP synchronization source or SSRC (in hex) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote Output Packets


Displays the number of packets received by the device on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote Input Octets


Displays the remote input octets (bytes) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote Output Octets


Displays the remote output octets (bytes) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote Round Trip Delay


Displays the average round-trip delay time (in msec) of the remote RTP stream on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote Jitter


Displays the remote RTP jitter (in msec) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote SSRC Sender


Displays the remote (sender) RTP synchronization source (SSRC) on the outgoing leg.


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Local MOS CQ


Displays the local MOS for conversation quality on the incoming leg. The field is an integer from 10 to 50 (127 if information is unavailable). Valid MOS ranges are from 1 to 5, but the MOS value displayed by this SDR field is a multiple of 10. For example, a MOS of 3 is shown as "30".


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Ingress Remote MOS CQ


Displays the remote MOS for conversation quality on the incoming leg. The field is an integer from 10 to 50 (127 if information is unavailable). Valid MOS ranges are from 1 to 5, but the MOS value displayed by this SDR field is a multiple of 10. For example, a MOS of 3 is shown as "30".


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Local MOS CQ


Displays the local MOS for conversation quality on the outgoing leg. The field is an integer from 10 to 50 (127 if information is unavailable). Valid MOS ranges are from 1 to 5, but the MOS value displayed by this SDR field is a multiple of 10. For example, a MOS of 3 is shown as "30".


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.

Egress Remote MOS CQ


Displays the remote MOS for conversation quality on the outgoing leg. The field is an integer from 10 to 50 (127 if information is unavailable). Valid MOS ranges are from 1 to 5, but the MOS value displayed by this SDR field is a multiple of 10. For example, a MOS of 3 is shown as "30".


The field is optional. You can include it in the SDR by customizing the SDR using the SBC SDR Format table.
The field is applicable only to STOP SDRs.